Binance IDEX-USDT IDEX / Tether


Binance go to exchange

0.04652000 USDT +0.00087000 (1.8702%)
Prev. close : 0.04565000 Open : 0.04569000 Volume : 921 875.10 USDT

Sell Do nothing Buy
Pairs with IDEX on Binance
IDEX-BNB 0.00000000IDEX-BTC 0.00000044IDEX-BUSD 0.00000000IDEX-USDC 0.04675000
IDEX-USDT pairs on other exchanges
HitBTC 0.04576400 Houbi 0.04650000 Cryptorg 0.04652000 Cryptorg Futures 0.05610000 Binance Futures 0.05610000

Indicator name Action
Bollinger bands (20, 2, 2, close)
Upper: 0.04778890, Middle: 0.04590650, Lower: 0.04402409
Do nothing
MACD (12, 26, 9, close)
MACD: -0.00058993, Signal: -0.00084997, Histogram: 0.00026003
- Crossing MACD and signal lines Do nothing
- Crossing MACD and zero level Do nothing
- Histogram MACD, changing trend Do nothing
Balance of Power (1)
BOP: -0.32000000
Stochastic (14, 3, 3, close, high, low)
K-period: 59.33641975, D-period: 54.34670781
- Overbought and oversold levels Do nothing
- Crossing K and D lines Do nothing
Stochastic fast (5, 3)
K-period: 74.76635514, D-period: 76.11630321
- Overbought and oversold levels Do nothing
- Crossing K and D lines Sell
RSI (14, 70, 30, close)
Index: 47.99212399
Do nothing
Moving Average Crossovers
Indicator name Point of crossing Action
EMA crossing (5) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (5) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (10) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (10) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (20) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (20) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (30) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (30) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (50) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (50) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (100) 0.05243980 Sell
SMA crossing (100) 0.05243980 Sell
Moving Averages (MA)
Indicator name Value Action
EMA (5) 0.04629997 Buy
SMA (5) 0.04633200 Buy
EMA (10) 0.04615375 Buy
SMA (10) 0.04577300 Buy
EMA (20) 0.04643669 Buy
SMA (20) 0.04590650 Buy
EMA (30) 0.04702919 Sell
SMA (30) 0.04687200 Sell
EMA (50) 0.04850037 Sell
SMA (50) 0.04827000 Sell
EMA (100) 0.05243980 Sell
SMA (100) 0.05243980 Sell