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126.96 JPY -12.2903 (9.6805%)
Prev. close : 139.25 Open : 139.44 Volume : 5 212 762.84 JPY

Sell Do nothing Buy
Pairs with EOS on Bitfinex
EOS-BTC 0.00000727EOS-ETH 0.00019900EOS-EUR 0.66007000EOS-GBP 0.79130096EOS-USD 0.77526000EOS-UST 0.76476000

Indicator name Action
Bollinger bands (20, 2, 2, close)
Upper: 382.77505540, Middle: 250.85334679, Lower: 118.93163818
MACD (12, 26, 9, close)
MACD: -61.24391448, Signal: -52.45208991, Histogram: -8.79182457
- Crossing MACD and signal lines Do nothing
- Crossing MACD and zero level Do nothing
- Histogram MACD, changing trend Do nothing
Balance of Power (1)
BOP: -0.79309679
Stochastic (14, 3, 3, close, high, low)
K-period: 2.76695222, D-period: 2.29543341
- Overbought and oversold levels Do nothing
- Crossing K and D lines Do nothing
Stochastic fast (5, 3)
K-period: 13.92904154, D-period: 9.02797212
- Overbought and oversold levels Do nothing
- Crossing K and D lines Do nothing
RSI (14, 70, 30, close)
Index: 30.33613797
Do nothing
Moving Average Crossovers
Indicator name Point of crossing Action
EMA crossing (5) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (5) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (10) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (10) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (20) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (20) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (30) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (30) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (50) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (50) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (100) 397.64890396 Sell
SMA crossing (100) 397.64890396 Sell
Moving Averages (MA)
Indicator name Value Action
EMA (5) 166.22976466 Sell
SMA (5) 158.52662277 Sell
EMA (10) 201.29838784 Sell
SMA (10) 220.23102767 Sell
EMA (20) 250.11604173 Sell
SMA (20) 250.85334679 Sell
EMA (30) 286.47832742 Sell
SMA (30) 290.31598712 Sell
EMA (50) 326.97685071 Sell
SMA (50) 373.45036338 Sell
EMA (100) 397.64890396 Sell
SMA (100) 397.64890396 Sell