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0.25145014 EUR -0.01839986 (7.3175%)
Prev. close : 0.26985000 Open : 0.26861000 Volume : 22 080.84 EUR

Sell Do nothing Buy
Pairs with IOT on Bitfinex
IOT-BTC 0.00000288IOT-ETH 0.00013199IOT-GBP 0.21881305IOT-JPY 35.2280IOT-USD 0.30321000

Indicator name Action
Bollinger bands (20, 2, 2, close)
Upper: 0.25778852, Middle: 0.25308500, Lower: 0.24838148
Do nothing
MACD (12, 26, 9, close)
MACD: 0.00058271, Signal: 0.00103569, Histogram: -0.00045298
- Crossing MACD and signal lines Do nothing
- Crossing MACD and zero level Do nothing
- Histogram MACD, changing trend Do nothing
Balance of Power (1)
BOP: -0.54335367
Stochastic (14, 3, 3, close, high, low)
K-period: 4.13458732, D-period: 17.27357563
- Overbought and oversold levels Do nothing
- Crossing K and D lines Do nothing
Stochastic fast (5, 3)
K-period: 0.00000000, D-period: 4.23892100
- Overbought and oversold levels Do nothing
- Crossing K and D lines Sell
RSI (14, 70, 30, close)
Index: 43.10955464
Do nothing
Moving Average Crossovers
Indicator name Point of crossing Action
EMA crossing (5) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (5) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (10) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (10) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (20) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (20) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (30) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (30) 0.25179800 Sell
EMA crossing (50) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (50) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (100) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (100) -- Do nothing
Moving Averages (MA)
Indicator name Value Action
EMA (5) 0.25248037 Sell
SMA (5) 0.25248402 Sell
EMA (10) 0.25307751 Sell
SMA (10) 0.25418601 Sell
EMA (20) 0.25284363 Sell
SMA (20) 0.25308500 Sell
EMA (30) 0.25225983 Sell
SMA (30) 0.25179800 Sell
EMA (50) 0.25070167 Buy
SMA (50) 0.25137240 Buy
EMA (100) 0.24656046 Buy
SMA (100) 0.24656046 Buy