Kucoin HMND-USDT HMND / Tether


Kucoin go to exchange

0.05587000 USDT -0.00124000 (2.2194%)
Prev. close : 0.05711000 Open : 0.05711000 Volume : 229 251.12 USDT

Sell Do nothing Buy
Pairs with HMND on Kucoin

Indicator name Action
Bollinger bands (20, 2, 2, close)
Upper: 0.09809928, Middle: 0.07509850, Lower: 0.05209771
Do nothing
MACD (12, 26, 9, close)
MACD: -0.01057018, Signal: -0.00927637, Histogram: -0.00129381
- Crossing MACD and signal lines Do nothing
- Crossing MACD and zero level Do nothing
- Histogram MACD, changing trend Do nothing
Balance of Power (1)
BOP: -0.64361702
Stochastic (14, 3, 3, close, high, low)
K-period: 13.77715047, D-period: 14.51003093
- Overbought and oversold levels Do nothing
- Crossing K and D lines Do nothing
Stochastic fast (5, 3)
K-period: 26.96886446, D-period: 24.21579799
- Overbought and oversold levels Do nothing
- Crossing K and D lines Do nothing
RSI (14, 70, 30, close)
Index: 27.76949279
Do nothing
Moving Average Crossovers
Indicator name Point of crossing Action
EMA crossing (5) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (5) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (10) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (10) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (20) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (20) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (30) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (30) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (50) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (50) -- Do nothing
EMA crossing (100) -- Do nothing
SMA crossing (100) -- Do nothing
Moving Averages (MA)
Indicator name Value Action
EMA (5) 0.05972665 Sell
SMA (5) 0.06014600 Sell
EMA (10) 0.06499975 Sell
SMA (10) 0.06600400 Sell
EMA (20) 0.07337157 Sell
SMA (20) 0.07509850 Sell
EMA (30) 0.07946760 Sell
SMA (30) 0.08291300 Sell
EMA (50) 0.08616709 Sell
SMA (50) 0.09390020 Sell
EMA (100) 0.09442768 Sell
SMA (100) 0.09777950 Sell